Thursday, August 20, 2009

Welcome & Thanks...

Welcome to my first Blog post!

You probably found your way here by way of my new website: If so, I'd love to get your feedback on what you like and don't like about the site. You can post comments here.

Special thanks to those of you who gave me input as I was putting it together. You're the reason it looks as good (or bad ;)) as it does!

Be Well,


"The New Economy"

I attended a seminar today on networking given by Dave Sherman (, a local author and speaker. He's a great speaker and I enjoyed his presentation. He was discussing our beloved recession and commented about how some people say it represents "a new economy". He asked the class, "if that's true, what kind of economy is it?" The room was silent. He laughed knowingly, then said, more or less, "That's right. Nobody knows what the new economy is. So make it whatever you want it be." He believes it presents a huge opportunity for those who choose to turn it to their advantage. I'll take his kind of energetic optimism any day over the doom and gloomers! Like the principal at my daughters elementary school says every morning on the announcements, "Make it a great day or not, the choice is yours." I think I'll steal that and change it a little...

Make it a great recession or not, the choice is yours!

Be Well,
